Ireland unlocks: Have you been to a hairdresser, restaurant, crèche, museum?

Or travelled beyond 20km? As restrictions ease, we want to hear about your experiences

Street art in Dublin as the country enters ‘phase three’ of the easing of restrictions. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw /The Irish Times

"Phase three" is here: from today, cafes and restaurants, hotels, "pubs operating as restaurants", hairdressers, beauty salons and driving schools, most shops and other retail services can reopen to customers again under the biggest easing of Covid-19 restrictions since the pandemic began. Childcare facilities, places of worship, galleries, museums and cinemas are also free to reopen their doors, and people are free to travel anywhere in Ireland without restriction.

The Irish Times would like to hear from readers about their experiences. Have you had your hair done? Gone for a meal? Had your first pint in a pub? Been to see a film? Travelled to visit family you haven’t seen in four months? Dropped your kids off at creche?

You can share your experiences using this form. Please attach a photograph if you have one to share (and don’t forget to tell us who is in the pic).

A selection of responses may be published in The Irish Times.


If you are reading this on the app, please click here to access the form.

Thank you.