Made by me: Tell us about your lockdown hobbies

Share your craft projects and passtimes

Crochet. Photograph: Getty Okay, crochet: There are many mental health benefits to doing something creative with your hands

Have you discovered a new hobby or pastime over lockdown? There are many mental health benefits to doing something creative, it can occupy the mind and the hands and give relief from negative thinking and anxiety. Plus, you have something lovely to look at when you’re done.

Perhaps you've learned how to knit (Bernie Sanders mittens, anyone?); or you've finally picked up a paintbrush and become a dab hand at oil painting.

Have you transformed your home with DIY projects or expressed your inner thoughts in intricate cross stitch?

We want to hear about your creative lockdown projects. In 200 words or less, tell us about why you chose this hobby and how it helped during lockdown. We’d love to see the fruits of your labour too, so include a high resolution photograph too, if you have one. A selection of responses will be published in The Irish Times and online. Closing date is 6pm on Friday, February 5th 2021.


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