'CASE STUDY: 'I was one of the foolish people'

Mary from Leitrim describes herself as "one of the foolish people" who signed up with a UK firm that promised to sell her car…

Mary from Leitrim describes herself as "one of the foolish people" who signed up with a UK firm that promised to sell her car.

In January she advertised the car on Carzone.ie and after a couple of days was contacted by an English company.

"They were very convincing. I was selling my car for €6,500 but they said they'd get me €7,000 and that at least three buyers in my area were interested. I was contacted three times by the same company.

"I figured I'd still make enough profit to cover the fee. They told me the fee was £99 (almost €143). When I got my bill it had actually worked out at €174.85 when VAT was included.


"When I got no response after a couple of days, I started phoning every week and eventually asked for a refund. They said it wasn't their policy to give a refund as they had no way of knowing if anyone had contacted me or not. They didn't believe that no one had contacted me.

"I asked my credit card company for a charge back and told them why I wanted a charge back. I told them about this company and the bank was very sympathetic and I got my money back.

"However, a month later I got a letter from the bank saying they had to take the money again to send it to the UK firm as this company had sent the terms and conditions to prove they provided me with a service. I got on to the European Consumers Rights people but they said there's nothing they can do, even though these people are clearly running a scam, they didn't do anything illegal."