Humble pie is just the ticket

REARVIEW: I SHOULDN’T have tempted fate

REARVIEW:I SHOULDN'T have tempted fate. It was inevitable that, having recently boasted to a friend that I had not once received a penalty point in my almost 20 years behind the wheel, I would receive that letter from Thurles.

Highlighting the antics of errant cyclists here some months ago probably didn’t help either. Pot, kettle, black, some would say.

The letter from the Garda’s processing centre in Co Tipperary informed me that at 22.56 on January 12th last, I had travelled, in my mechanically propelled vehicle, 17km/h over the 50km/h limit in a built-up area on Drogheda’s North Strand. It must have been one of those new, clearly visible vans that patrol accident black spots, but I can’t say I noticed it on the night.

The North Strand is a built-up area, the speed limit is clearly marked, and it’s entirely probable (although I cannot remember) that I was indeed driving at 67km/h rather than the required 50 km/h. In short, I broke the speed limit by a considerable margin and was caught.


I have the option of arguing in court that the road was empty at 11pm that Wednesday night. It is a straight road and to be honest, your Honour, I was driving in an entirely responsible manner.

I would also be pointing out that I felt a little let down at getting the ticket, since gardai insist cameras are not designed to trap responsible motorists.

Of course, once I have scoffed my sour grapes, I will move on to humble pie. So I will pay the €80 and take my two penalty points. I will also continue to argue that a network of speed traps is an essential tool in catching irresponsible drivers, but in the hope that the next “victim” will have been truly worth catching.