Investors are still circling Saab after Swedish court declared car maker bankrupt

A NUMBER of potential buyers have shown interest in parts or all of bankrupt Saab and there is a chance a deal can be made which…

A NUMBER of potential buyers have shown interest in parts or all of bankrupt Saab and there is a chance a deal can be made which allows some operations to continue, the company’s receivers said last week.

The Swedish car maker was declared bankrupt by a court in December, ending a nine-month battle by its Dutch owner, Swedish Automobile NV, to stay afloat. It has not made any vehicles since April and several rescues have failed.

Saab’s court-appointed receivers, Hans Bergqvist and Anne-Marie Pouteaux, said in a statement they had met a number of Swedish and foreign players who have expressed interest in a possible purchase of all or parts of the business.

“The contacts made so far have been positive and provide real hope that there may be alternatives, and even combinations of solutions that could result in some continued activity and a suitable development of the bankruptcy estate,” they said.


German magazine auto motor und sport reported last week that Saab was in talks with the Turkish government. A source familiar with the situation said a Turkish delegation visited Sweden to express interest in Saab but declined to offer more details.

Swedish business daily Dagens Industri reported that one of India’s biggest car manufacturers may also be interested in buying parts or all of the company.

Saab’s last rescue plan, involving China’s Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile, was rejected by former owner General Motors, which still licenses technology on which the building of Saab cars depends.