Cornelius Cunningham, Builder...

Cornelius Cunningham, Builder...

Rides: Kawasaki ZX10

Why this particular bike? I had two Kawasaki ZX9s before this bike, and I would've got another one only they stopped making them. It's a better bike anyway; it's quicker to stop and more lightweight.

What was your first bike? I've been riding bikes for almost 20 years. I got my first bike when I was 17-years-old, a Yamaha AR80. Then I bought Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki and two ZX9s. Bikes are great, they give you such freedom and help you relax after a hard day's work.


What do you use your bike for? Mainly pleasure, but lately I've been using it to go in and out to town for work, but I don't filter through the traffic, I'd be afraid someone would clip my wing mirror!

Do you hold a full or provisional licence? I have a full licence but I did the test years ago, so I have to sit it again. I've applied for an A licence which will permit me to ride a bike from 400 cc to unlimited cc, so I'll have to restrict this bike to a 400cc which I'll do within the next few weeks once it's broken in.

Have you taken any rider training? I've booked training for my test. I think it's important, because there are too many self-taught bikers out there.

Are you a fan of road racing? Yes, I'm heavily involved in the Martin Finnegan's supporters club. I go to all the race meetings. I'll go up the North on the bike for the North West 200. There's a group of us all riding up on our bikes.

Do you think road racing is a dangerous sport? No, I think road racing is a very entertaining sport. Safety is always improving, and that's a priority for the organisers. The racers do go at very high speeds but the fatalities are not that high and the bikes they use are of such high quality and high spec, they're not allowed ride on any oul' thing.

Ever had any accidents on the bike? No, touch wood.

Do you have any issues for the Minister for Transport? I think he should seriously consider bringing insurance levels down. If you've ridden a bike safely for more than five years and are accident-free, your premium should come down. Most bike enthusiasts are serious about biking and they look after their bikes and are safety conscious, it's the young lads who just buy a bike and hop on it who are the danger.

Any tips for survival on two wheels? Biking is very enjoyable. If you stick to safe speeds you can't go wrong, it's the messers who speed that are a danger on the road. Be sensible and know your limitations, the bike will do whatever you want it to do, but you have to have your own limits. You can ride safely and enjoyably and have very little trouble. You should wear a high visibility jacket in the winter. Invest in good safety gear for the winter and summer. I spent 1,000 on a helmet and easily the same on leathers. It's a small price to pay for your life.

What would be your dream bike? I already have it!

- Patricia Weston