Colm Ó Tuathaill , Senior technology specialist

Colm Ó Tuathaill, Senior technology specialist

-What bikes do you have? I have a BMW 1100RT, a Honda CBR1100 Blackbird and a Honda CBR 750 Hurricane. I bought the BMW in 2001 when I left Eircom after 21 years. As part of my package I was given a bonus gift of £6,000, so I decided to buy something that brought a smug smile to my face whenever I thought back to my Eircom days. For me the decision was easy, a BMW 1100RT.

Why did you become a biker? When I first started working I had a start time of 8 a.m. out in Sutton. So, to save my mum from having to get up every morning, as soon as I was 16 I bought my first bike. Also, I come from a family of bike riders so it wasn't so unusual for me to get a bike.

Did you take any rider training? Not when I first started out, but I have since.


What does your insurance cost? €770 for all three bikes on a full licence.

Do you drive a car? Yes, two . . . a Mercedes ML270 and a Vauxhall Calibra.

Do you worry about safety? I don't worry, but I do have a heightened sense of awareness which ensures that I concentrate whenever I'm on the road.

What do you use your bikes for? All three bikes have different purposes for me. I use the BMW for maximising my ability to get around Dublin and the country during the week. I ride the Blackbird for weekend fun and the Hurricane to remind me of the good old days.

Ever had an accident? In the early days I had one accident and a number of spills but, touch wood, none in the past 24 years.

Do you follow motor sport? I'm an observer rather than a follower of the Super Bike series.

Any trips abroad? This year I drove down to Marbella in Spain via Biarritz in the southwest of France. I returned via Andorra. I'd highly recommend it to anybody with the time.

Do you think bikers share a special bond? I think we all belong to minority group of which society disapproved years ago. Also, motorcycling is such a shared passion.

Any unusual experiences with motorists? My story is not a negative one, rather a funny one. Years ago I stopped to help an older woman who had a puncture. It turned out she didn't have a car jack and she was under pressure to get to her daughter's wedding. So I offered to take her on the back of the bike in all her finery. You can image the look on people's faces when she turned up outside the church on the back of a CBR750KZ.

Got any biking issues for the transport minister? Yes, I think he should bring in compulsory rider training schemes and legalise the use of bus lanes for non-commercial motorcycle users.

Any tips for survival? Ride smooth but not fast. Wear high visibility clothing. Ride with your lights on - and always expect the unexpected.

What's your dream bike? It has to be a BMW 1200 KLT.