My First Car

Broadcaster Pat Kenny remembers his first car

Broadcaster Pat Kenny remembers his first car

What was your first car?

An Austin Mini - red, secondhand, LZH901! What did you pay for it? £250.

Was it reliable?


No - it had a device called a by-pass hose fitted between block and cylinder head. Two inches long rubber to bridge a gap ½ inch wide. Frequently perished - a devil to fit. I cursed the makers for the frustrations they inflicted.

Any good or bad memories?

Good - first car, independence at last. Fun to drive, classless car. My car had sliding front windows - good design - practically useless.

The bad - push starting the car while trying to impress my date! Wet mornings - damp points, distributor. Thank God for modern electronics.

Did it change your life?

Yes, yes, yes . . . suddenly weekends in the country beckoned. I joined RTE - worked all hours - car became indispensable. I didn't grow up in a house with a car, so the thrill of car ownership was wonderful and has never ever left me.

How long did you keep your first car?

Until it broke my heart - about a year and a half.

Did you sell it on for a better deal?

No. It broke down and I left it on the side of the road and sold it to a colleague in Bolton Street college for £50.

Did your first car give you a feeling of advantage over other friends who relied on the bicycle or public transport?

Not too many relied on the bicycle. Before my car, a few friends had cars so we all shared. My car added one extra banger to the motor mash!