My first car

Elaine Roddy , marketing consultant at Lillie's Bordello remembers her first car, a Ford Fiesta

Elaine Roddy, marketing consultant at Lillie's Bordello remembers her first car, a Ford Fiesta

What was your first car and why did you buy it? A Ford Fiesta - I needed it for my business. Only way to get from A to B.

Was it new or second-hand? Second-hand.

Did you know how to drive when you bought it, or did you learn to drive in it? Learned to drive in it. Favoured the damage limitations of having my own car to crash if it came to it.


What did you know about cars when you bought it? They've got four wheels and an engine.

What advice did you get when you were looking for a car? Trusted my dad's expertise and basically did as I was told.

What did you pay for the car - and what impact did running a car have on your pocket? Paid £7,500. Found it saved me money compared to taking taxis everywhere.

Was it hard to get insurance? Not particularly - expensive yes, difficult no.

How reliable was it? Not one problem with it - apart from bursting a tyre when learning to park, but that was hardly the car's fault was it?

Did it change your life? Mobility, independence, time-saving advantages.

What was the longest trip you ever took? From Dublin to Cork - an epic trip for a learner driver.

What was your best memory?

My first trip on my own . . . it lasted only about five minutes but it was a milestone!

Your worst memory associated with the car? Almost getting myself and my sister killed as I broke a red light and went straight in a "turn left only" lane at a busy city centre junction.

How long did you keep the car and why did you decide to get rid of it for another? Had it for about a year then opted for something a little more stylish.

Did you sell it on for a better deal? Traded it in.