DEIRDRE McQUILLAN talks to DJ, artist and former model Mo Kelly.

DEIRDRE McQUILLANtalks to DJ, artist and former model Mo Kelly.

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU'RE WEARINGA blue silk Stella McCartney dress which I got about three years ago in HM. You can do things with her clothes. Plus, I can put it in the washing machine. The leather jacket is from A|wear and the suede boots I bought from Office for about €150. The bag is Kate Moss for Topshop.

DO YOU WEAR A LOT OF JEWELLERY?I have a collection of silver rings – two were gifts from my sister and mother, the turquoise was bought in Corfu and the little ring decorated with silver rings is from Djinn in Wexford Street. My engagement ring from DesignYard was handmade by Da Capo – it's platinum which fits in with the others.

WHAT DO YOU WEAR WORKING AS A DJ?You can't wear anything too dramatic or anything dangling from your ears because of the headphones. You can't wear long necklaces either. You can't wear anything too short, and high heels are a big problem, but it doesn't stop me wearing them – I always bring a pair of pumps in my record bag.


HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE?Fairly eclectic – I wear a lot of high-street clothes, but if I had more money I would spend it on shoes and coats.

DO YOU HAVE FAVOURITE SHOES?A pair of Louboutins, and YSL wedges. The YSLs were a complete folly buy – they are a mad Japanese style that goes with nothing, but your feet look tiny in them.

WHO HAS INFLUENCED YOUR STYLE?My late mother, who believed in elegance and that you should always buy the best you can afford. I probably picked that up from her.

DO YOU WEAR A LOT OF COLOUR?I tend to prefer colour, and only wear black if I am lazy. I am more of a summer than a winter dresser.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS?My tuxedo by Peter O'Brien and a Victorian navy bustier by Vivienne Westwood, which I bought in a sale although I thought it was too outlandish, I have worn it working to New Year balls and ambassadors' balls and I have got loads of wear out of it.

WHAT WORKS ON STAGE?Stage clothes are different to everyday wear. Stripes work well in the dark, but black is a bit of a no-no because you just disappear. Bright eyeshadow and make-up are easy to do, and you are dressed up. Jewel colours work well.

HOW DO FASHION AND MUSIC CONNECT?Young girls are watching MTV and reality shows, and then dressing up to look like what they see, but it doesn't translate to the street, because it can look cheap. It's a monostyle.

WHAT TRENDS DO YOU DISLIKE?I hate it when trends become so ubiquitous that there is no individuality. I think fashion and experimenting with different looks should be fun, not just copying, hook, line and sinker.

DO YOU HAVE STYLE/DESIGN ICONS?Hitchcock blondes, because the look is so elegant. I love Vivienne Westwood – she made me realise that fashion can be fun. Zandra Rhodes' pink hair appealed to me, and Peter O'Brien's collections for Rochas were phenomenal.

WHAT ABOUT GROOMING?I go to Brown Sugar to get my hair cut and have my colour done by Paul Hession. Because I have so many late nights, I always use good skincare, take vitamins and try to eat properly. Because I paint, my nails tend to get wrecked.

YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED SOON. WHAT WILL YOU WEAR?I am veering between Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen, and the idea of an arty dress, as I would like to wear something dramatic and different. I used to model wedding fashions and I swore afterwards that I would marry in a T-shirt, but now I've come full circle.

  • Paintingsby Mo Kelly will be part of a travelling group exhibition called Nixon Art Mosh, touring the US from the end of this month