‘If it wasn’t for my friend’s support, my son and I would be on the streets’

This entry to the Friendship Week reader competition is the story of a friend in need

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I came to Ireland nine years ago from Mauritius. I met my good friend Evie seven years ago at a Hallowe’en house party. I was new to Ireland and didn’t really know anyone. We got talking at the party and immediately we just clicked.

When I mentioned to her that I didn’t know many people, she instantly told me to stay in touch. I wasn’t sure if she really meant that but true to her word we started to get together.

Through her I now have an amazing circle of four other friends. At the time I was was in a relationship which wasn’t going very well. Then I got pregnant and Evie was the first one I told. She was so supportive of me, organising my baby shower and always being there. She met her husband Fabio through me at my 30th birthday party and we are all great friends.

My relationship didn’t work out so now I’m a single mother. Last year I was evicted from my apartment in Dublin and was let go from my job. If it wasn’t for Evie I would have been on the streets with my four-year-old son. I’m living with her and Fabio, rent-free since September while I’m trying to get back on my feet. This photo is of myself and Evie at her hen party. This friendship has been a wonderful support and I am very grateful.


If you would like to enter the reader competition, send your uplifting, amusing or poignant story of friendship to friendship@irishtimes.com byWednesday the 10th of February. Attach a high-res photo if you have one. The prize is a two night break in The Meyrick Hotel in Galway for you and a friend. The winner will be announced on Friday 12th February.