John McCarthy – distinguished scholar in field of animal genetics

An Appreciation

John McCarthy: appointed dean of the faculty of agriculture in UCD from 1974 to 1980, and later appointed professor of animal genetics

Prof John McCarthy died suddenly while visiting his daughter Ingrid in New Zealand on November 11th, 2015. John was born in Mitchelstown, Co Cork, in 1937. His father, Cal McCarthy, a dairy science graduate of UCC, held a senior post in the Department of Agriculture. No doubt, with this background, John was destined to follow in his father’s footsteps, and he received a first-class honours degree in agricultural science in UCD in 1959, achieving first place, and a scholarship from UCD to Edinburgh University.

There he finished his studies with a PhD (summa cum laude) in animal genetics in 1963.

In Edinburgh he married Ursula Bierbaum in 1962. He had met her first in Dublin, where she had come from Germany as a 16-year-old girl to learn English. Four years later, they married. John and Ursula then returned to Dublin in 1963 for John to take up a post in animal genetics in UCD. He was appointed dean of the faculty of agriculture from 1974-1980, and later was appointed professor of animal genetics.

John spent a sabbatical year in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia and was also visiting professor in some of the world’s leading institutes. He carried out extensive research in UCD and had papers published in leading research journals.


In addition, he took a deep interest in his students and for several of them secured positions in prestigious universities abroad.

John and Ursula settled into a comfortable life in south Co Dublin and they had two daughters – Ingrid and Eva. John joined Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club in 1971. He was a keen squash and tennis player and also played golf, all very competitively.

Unfortunately he more recently developed back trouble, which put an end to golf, and later a shoulder and cardiac problem stopped tennis. He had a large circle of friends in Fitzwilliam and many golfing buddies and was also a member of the RDS.

John was great raconteur, although one often missed the punchline due to his own final outburst of laughter. A voracious reader, he was knowledgeable and wise.

John’s obsequies were held in the Chapel of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom UCD. Moving tributes were paid by his close friend and colleague Austin Mescal, a former president of the RDS, and by his brother, Fr Tommy McCarthy, who was the principal celebrant at his funeral Mass.

John retired from UCD in 1999 and looked forward to a happy and tranquil retirement with Ursula.

This unfortunately was not to be, because Ursula became seriously ill and, after a long illness, died in 2008, leaving John bereft.

His family in Ireland were supportive, as was his daughter Ingrid, who had married and settled in New Zealand.

Following Ursula’s death, John visited New Zealand every year for some three to four months, and was greatly attached to Ingrid, his son-in-law McGregor Lindsay, and his three grandsons, Timothy, Robert and Alexander.

His granddaughter Birgit lived with John and Ursula for many years . She was very close to John, and just months before his death he had the pleasure of giving her away at her marriage to Andrew Kelly in London.

John had one sister, Aine Threadgold, and three brothers – Fr Tommy, Fr Derry (deceased) and Cathal.

All his family, friends and former colleagues will miss his genial company and warm friendship, memories of which will endure and remain long after his sudden and unexpected death. – AUSTIN MESCAL