Seize the day

Does the idea of January sit like a dank black cloud just visible beyond the sparkle of Christmas? January can feel like a long…

Does the idea of January sit like a dank black cloud just visible beyond the sparkle of Christmas? January can feel like a long cold shower of denial and exhausting (and ultimately futile) self-improvement as we try to become better, thinner, or just more disciplined. As we sit this side of the feast it can feel about as enticing a prospect as a cold plate of leftover sprouts. But we’re determined to take the drudgery out of January. We’re looking for six readers who want to try something new in January, a habit they’d like to put into daily life, take with them into the months after January.

Six readers, six new habits, one month and one mentor – Catherine Cleary, who has written about her attempts to squeeze “someday” dreams into everyday life. She’ll talk to you about what it is you want to do, set you a plan of action for 30 days, take regular updates on how you’re doing and follow up at the end to see how it all went.

Send her a paragraph describing your "someday" dream. Maybe it's getting a first draft of that novel you've been tinkering with, taking singing lessons, or cooking a meal from scratch every day out of your favourite cookbook? A good starting point? Catherine Cleary's book, A Month of Somedays, How One Woman made the Most of Now, is in bookshops or available online at Send your ideas to