Share your story: How have you been affected by the Covid-19 crisis?

If you’ve lost your job, are worried about your business, been diagnosed with the virus... we want to hear from you

It’s a health story. It’s a business story. It’s an economic story. It’s a travel story. But at the heart of it all, the Covid-19 crisis is a human story.

The Irish Times would like to reflect the many aspects of life that have been utterly changed by the coronavurus outbreak, and is inviting readers to share their stories. Have you experienced the disease? Have you lost a friend or family member, either to Covid-19 or another illness in recent weeks? Have you lost your job? Are you a business owner who has had to let employees go, or are concerned about the immediate future? Are you worried about paying rent, mortgages, bills, wages? Are you a healthcare worker on the front lines? Do you have a health condition or are you worried about accessing treatment or services? Have you been on holidays or are living abroad and are trying to get back to Ireland? Are you a student or teacher who has had classes or exams postponed or cancelled? How are you coping with social distancing, cocooning or working from home? We would also like to hear about the positive stories, of the acts of kindness and compassion that are bringing us together during this difficult time.

Whatever your experience of the Covid-19 crisis, The Irish Times would like to hear from you. You can use this form to submit your experiences (max 800 words).

You can attach a photograph of yourself if you wish.


If you would like to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission.

A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print. Please note that it will not be possible to publish every submission we receive, but if yours has been selected, we will contact you to let you know.

Thank you.