So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

Yes to Tommy Tiernan’s chat show and Natalie Portman in ‘Jackie’, but no to Trumpitis

What’s Hot

Harvey’s Point

Best hotel in Ireland, according to TripAdvisor’s awards and the Georgina Campbell Guide.

Natalie Portman

Stunning in her latest movie, Jackie.


The Break

A new Marian Keyes novel coming in autumn.

Bella Freud jumpers

Ridiculously expensive but delightful.

Jane The Virgin

This show is the perfect winter pick-me-up on Netflix.

Tommy Tiernan

His slow-burning chat show is really working well.

Quarter Block Party

Arts and music festival on in Cork city this weekend.

What’s Not


A marketing trend for those with more muscles than sense.

Roger Ailes

The former Fox News boss will be the subject of a new Alex Gibney documentary.

Plastic veg covering

The height of supermarket waste. Keep ‘em loose.


A Russian funeral-organising app. Too soon.

Fluctuating coffee index

Finding the same brand beans in different places at vastly different prices.

Video voice

“Hey guys!” – the ubiquity of the monotone adopted on Snapchat/vlog/Instastory posts.


An addled feeling of compulsive news consumption, general terror and disbelief.