Bride On: How to choose the perfect wedding dress

Frilly meringue or sleek slip - so much to choose, so little time

And the bride wore......whatever she damn likes

This week we are on to a biggie. The mere thought of choosing a wedding dress can throw any bride into a total frenzy. From A-line to ballgown, bias cut to beading – and that’s just the beginning. Do you want it custom-made? Vintage? Off the hanger? And you know there are over 20 shades of white right? Right?

Before you start to look for a dress, think about what type of wedding you’re having. A beach wedding and a winter wedding are going to have completely different looks. But if you’ve your heart set on wearing a slip dress in December, who’s to stop you? Well pneumonia will, but the bride is always right.

Now you've that done, it's time for my favourite part – wine, research and chill. Yes, seriously. Snuggle up on the couch with a glass of Merlot and do some dress sleuthing. Magazines may be old school but they feature dresses that are available in Ireland. Very old school. If you want to go technical, online wedding sites and Pinterest are also brilliant. You'll start to get an idea of what you might like, and even better, know exactly what you don't.

Then, hit the shops. You will want a mix of people coming with you – your Mum, because she’ll always tell you when something doesn’t suit, and that’s putting it kindly. Your best friend, because she’ll tell you, through a cloud of tears, that you look absolutely beautiful in everything. You need that mixture of over-confidence and (helpful) disapproval.


Some things to remember: Start the wedding-dress hunt early. From choosing the right one, to any alterations it might need, you don’t want to be worried about your dress not arriving on time. Some bridal shops will require you to book an appointment in advance and the majority don’t allow photography in the store. So a sneaky snap might be out of the question unfortunately. Do not be alarmed when the sales assistant asks you how much weight you are planning to lose before the wedding. Insulting? Yes. But they ask everybody this apparently. With all the pre-wedding cake tasting I might tell them I’m planning on putting on a few pounds.

Lastly try on as many wedding dresses as you need. It’s your day and you want the perfect dress so don’t feel pressured to choose the first, second or 20th you try on. Go with what makes you feel happy, confident and beautiful.

And if it’s not too much to ask, go for one that doesn’t feel like escaping Alcatraz when you need a bathroom break.