What’s making you happy? Lime trees, naked swimming and blackbirds with full beaks

Early morning birdwatching, embrace of the wild Atlantic and a stroll among the lovely Limes

Lime trees are making one reader #IrishTimesHappy. Photograph: istock

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy.

You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week

Swimming naked in a private lake in Co Galway, the water full of bog, floating dreamily in the Irish summer – Kate

Going for a walk to get the smell of the gorgeous Lime trees planted around Dublin – Jill


Looking at my nurse wife stretched out snoring on the couch after another exhausting day when she gives much more than she is paid for before rising without complaining and going again full of the joys – Tom

Early morning watching of blackbirds and sparrows cramming their beaks with bread which I soaked in milk & then flying off to feed their nestlings with a hearty breakfast – John

Feeling my feet sinking deep in sand, the wild Atlantic swirling and splashing against my legs, wind in my upturned face, the taste of salt on my lips, a vast expanse of sky above, hair whipping, arms outstretched. I am home – Beth