What’s making you happy? The boy Georgie, lighting fires and apple pie

Also: Dogs are a woman’s best friends and there’s nothing like a good ... book

Georgie (6), who’ll cross that road when he comes to it

My gorgeous boy, Georgie, is 6 and has achieved so much in terms of reading, sight words, maths. It makes my heart swell with pride to see him achieve something. Today, he wanted to cross the road “on his own” . My heart in my mouth, I guided him verbally to stop, check and cross when it was clear. He did it without a problem – Genevieve

I’m happy because it’s time to start lighting the fire in the evenings again – Jessica

My dogs Pixie and Dr Watson are the biggest source of happiness for me – Steffie

The thought of getting home, running up the stairs and diving into bed with a good ... book. That’s what’s making me happy today – Ursula


I am baking apple pie and remembering the happiest memories of autumn with my mother in delicious childhood days – Kay

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