What’s making you happy? The Irish women’s hockey team and best mates

Here is what’s making you #IrishTimesHappy this week

The Irish hockey team dancing on stage on Dame Street following their reception at City Hall. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Tell us what’s making you happy by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweet us using #IrishTimesHappy. Here are this week’s responses:

Ireland getting the silver medal in Hockey World Cup made me happy. Was delighted for the team – Sandra, @dhubhda

My goddaughter is pregnant and she’s asked my daughter to be the godmother – Breege, @singleindemnity

My kids stayed out playing until 9pm with our neighbours kids – Clare, @clarelyonscoll1


Even though I’m not with them the mere thought of my two best mates makes me hugely happy – despite just having had root canal. – Dawn, @dawnaddleyB