What’s making you happy this week? Dr Marian Keyes and Mary Poppins

Here’s what’s making you happy this week

Marian Keyes and Bob Geldof receiving honorary doctorates from University of Limerick this week

Each week we ask what’s making you happy. Tell us by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or using the hashtag #IrishTimesHappy on Twitter

Here is a selection of your responses this week ...

Seeing Marian Keyes and her mother on telly when Marian and Bob Geldof got their honorary doctorates from the University of Limerick made me smile – David

Knowing that Mary Poppins going into the bath scene was filmed with an actual slide built in under the bath and not fancy CGI effects – Claire


Started a new job today so called into my new local Irish bar in London – Homeboy – to reward myself on the way home. Totally cheered! – Lisa

A flock of geese flying in formation, quacking gently over my head – Sheila

I got a mail from Tokyo on Christmas morning telling me that my wedding ring, lost since April, has been found in the washing machine drain in the apartment I was staying at, it’s coming home and I’m happy – Aidan