Who are the women in your family and community that inspire you?

International Women’s Day is almost here. We want to hear about your everyday sheroes

Tell about the sheroes, young and old, that make a difference in yours and other people’s lives

International Women’s Day 2018 is almost upon us. We want to hear about the women in your life who inspire and motivate you. Well known women get a lot of airtime but what about those women working away quietly and dynamically in the background within families, workplaces, charities and homes around the country,

Maybe it was a great Aunt who was the first woman to go to university in your family. Or a woman you know who raised children alone? Or someone who kicked against the system and refused to take no for an answer.

Tell us your everyday shero stories (max 300 words) and we’ll publish a selection on International Woman’s Day on Thursday March 8th.

Please attach a photograph if you have one.


Thank you.