Pot ill-luck

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents reports that in 2002, about 5,300 people in the UK visited hospitals because…

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents reports that in 2002, about 5,300 people in the UK visited hospitals because of accidents with flowerpots.

They were more hazardous than secateurs, spades and electric hedge trimmers, but not as dangerous as lawnmowers.

If you want to stay safe, don't place plant containers where they can be tripped over, knocked over or blown over.

Window boxes should be secured with brackets. Keep pots on sills safe by stretching two sturdy galvanised wires across the space like a miniature fence. Attach the wires through vine eyes on either side of the window opening. They will be barely visible.


When pots break, keep the shards to use as drainage in other containers.