So you’ve landed yourself a hot date. Okay, a date. But between the bumpy hello, awkward silences and intrusive questions, making it through relatively unscathed can be difficult – whether you like the person or not.
First, the outfit. You want to look well. But not like you made a big effort. But maybe like you tried a little bit – all at the same time. Shoes are key. Height is good but you don’t want to tower or teeter. Go for something interesting instead, be it colourwise, or design. You too, guys. You need to polish those shoes. Pouring yourself a glass of Pinot to settle your nerves is fine. Wobbling into the restaurant having polished off the bottle is not.
The whole “fashionably late” concept went out the window with the last episode of Sex and The City. Rocking up 45 minutes past the hour because “something came up” isn’t mysterious and endearing. It’s rude. You are how you eat – and some dishes are best avoided altogether. No one looks elegant when elbow deep in a bowl of chicken wings.

So you hate your job, your best friend and your life. Remind us why anyone would want to spend more time with you? The intricate details of the year you spent in South America saving lives are a little tedious. While most people will forgive nervous babbling, a big ego is a no go. You may be trying to impress, but let them get a few words in. You want to know if they’re worth a second shot, right? Finally, no ex chat. Ever.