Someone once said, “If you want to know me, come and live with me,” and whether you’re sharing with your bestie from junior infants or some randomer from Gumtree, nothing can prevent the meltdown over dirty dishes or a borrowed top.
So, some ground rules: Whatever happens in your own room is fair game, but keep the living areas tidy. We know your mum probably picked up after you at home, but if you use it, wash it; if you spill it, wipe it up; if you take it out, put it away. It won’t make you a Monica, it’s just good manners.
We won’t begrudge you a cheeky bowl of cereal or a blob of tinted moisturiser, but there are two things that should never be touched – the top we just got back from the dry cleaners and the last Hobnob.

Having the lads over for the match and a few cans at the weekend is grand; moving your significant other in rent-free is not. Particularly when the significant other stalks around the place, grunting at everyone.
While you might wake early, it doesn’t mean of the rest of the house must. Leave the doors on their hinges and keep last night’s gossip quiet.
Remember nobody’s perfect and your messy, noisy roommate probably finds you a little uptight with all that cleaning.
– Rachel Murphy