Road etiquette a matter of safety as well as a matter of sanity. Let’s start with lanes – using them, changing them and driving in between them. If you’re headed down the dualer and plan on turning right , there is no need to be in the fast lane from five miles down the road, particularly if you’re doing 40mph. Policing people with your slow speed isn’t doing them a favour. That’s what the guards under the flyover are for.
Navigating roundabouts is difficult to master, but it needs to be done if you plan on getting behind the wheel. Indicators are handy little contraptions for this purpose. Edging your way out so as not to cause a 50-car tailback also helps things move along.
Cyclists should use their own lanes, but sometimes they don't and, while Grand Theft Auto condones knocking obstacles for points, it is not the best idea on the quays. Speeding up, splashing and erratic swerving are pretty obnoxious too.

Parallel parking isn’t for everyone, but if you must park in the middle of the road, don’t be surprised if a mirror is missing when you get back from your Pilates class.
We’re not asking you to reverse into the parking space but at least try make it between the lines. Parking down the centre of two spots because you got a new car with that post-austerity pay cheque isn’t cool either. In short, try not to be a pothole on the roads; we have a hard time avoiding the craters on the Clonskeagh Road as it is.
– Rachel Murphy