Char grilled chicken, raosted red peppers and smoked aubergine. Recipe serves four

Char grilled chicken, raosted red peppers and smoked aubergine. Recipe serves four


4 chicken breasts
olive oil
few sprigs of thyme
2 aubergines
2 red peppers
2 tbsp tahini paste
1 garlic clove, crushed with a little salt
70g full-fat yogurt
juice of 1 lemon

Toss the chicken breasts in four tablespoons of olive olive oil with the thyme and a good seasoning of salt and pepper.


Prick the aubergines several times and grill them until the skin is well blackened and the flesh is soft. This takes about 15 minutes. You need to turn the aubergine two or three times so it cooks evenly.

Grill the peppers at the same time, until  they are charred, then wrap in cling film and, once they are cool, deseed and tear into strips.

Once the aubergine is cool enough to handle, remove the skin and mash the flesh roughly. Stir in the tahini, garlic, yogurt and lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Grill the chicken for five or six minutes each side, or until cooked. Serve with the roasted red peppers and a generous dollop of the aubergine.