So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

In this wedding themed what’s hot we are loving going local and not so hot on wedding hashtags

Ditch the buttercream and fondant for your wedding cake.

What’s hot

Naked cakes Ditch the buttercream and fondant Give your guests stories about the wedding party and setting in custom newspaper form

Food trucks Late night snacks on wheels are always a good idea


Bare buildings Warehouse venues such as the Chocolate Factory are a blank canvas for your big day Dress rental gives you loads of options for your frock – at a fraction of the cost.

Going local Your guests will thank you for keeping their travel and accommodation costs low

Hard copy invitations Keep it old school and more personal than email

What’s not

Wedding couple hashtags #OverusedAndOverdone

Too much homespun arts and crafts There's only so much bunting, drinks in jam jars, handmade signs, and homemade favours one wedding can take

Live Facebook and Instagram photo feeds Who wants ropey photos of their wedding online five minutes into the ceremony?

Late dinners A wedding party on an empty stomach gets messy and cranky

Speeches all in one go Break them up over the day so people actually listen to what's being said

Princess dresses Only Kate Middleton is Kate Middleton, alas

All-day heels You're kidding yourself. A bucket of flip-flops in the bathroom is always welcome