So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

Sandals – good, two wheels in the rain – bad

American Crime Story: taking a story we all know and somehow making it riveting TV


Finding the beach bag . . . with a tenner for ice cream tucked inside

Sandals Let your feet breathe

Irish fans From north and south, they did themselves proud at the Euros


Magaluf The go-to destination for Leaving Cert students

School holidays No more lunchboxes/uniforms/homework/PE gear to worry about

GAA Championships It's true that nothing beats being there

Bad boys in green Surely a gap in the market

Raspberry beer Third Circle Samhradh is a new Irish craft beer made with raspberries – the perfect summer drink

Juiced up American Crime Story makes the OJ Simpson trial riveting all over again – and births 24-hour news and the Kardashians


Togs truth
That moment where you wonder whether they've shrunk since your last holiday

The bang off the brown bin Is recycling really worth all this?

Tread carefully Piles of end-of-term "artwork" from our young prodigies . . . when is it safe to sling it?

I can't taste any apple Lobbing lots of fresh fruit into the Nutribullet and making a sludge no one will drink

Unpredictable weather Cycling to work in the sunshine, and home in the pouring rain

Cold chips Just downright heartbreaking, especially if everything else on your plate is served perfectly