So what’s hot and what’s not this week?

Wonder Women looks like corker, but Radiohead’s gig doesn’t fill us with excitement

Emoji. We predict this is too too much.


Hang Dai Turns out Camden Street can fit another restaurant

Wonder Woman The new trailer looks great

Clothes audit A satisfying winter clean on your wardrobe


French Film Festival At the IFI from November 16th

Our Table The pop-up cafe at the Project Arts Centre in Temple Bar

Kilkenomics This weekend in Kilkenny

New Year's Eve house parties Sort it now so you're not left plan-less after Christmas


Winter sniffles Pass the Lemsip

Dublin Bikes funding Sort it out already!

Brexit-cheering British tabloids Depressing jingoism

Wetherspoons Taking over old buildings for chain pubs. No thanks

Radiohead ennui Hands up who didn't get tickets to the 3Arena gig?

Emoji Prediction The latest update guesses which words you'd like replaced. Too much

Deciding not to go dry in November Your liver and your wallet does not thank you