O’Hara’s Galaxy Hop IPA, Hop Adventure Series
5% €3.25 per 500ml bottle
As part of their Hop Adventure Series, O’Hara’s have just released the Galaxy Hop India Pale Ale. Galaxy is a well-known Australian hop, developed in 1994. It is said to have a unique aroma and flavour of passion fruit and citrus. Conor Donoghue, the brewer at O’Hara’s, used less malt than in a standard India Pale Ale to allow the hop flavours to shine through. And shine through they certainly do; this is a full-flavoured beer, packed full of peach and yes some passion fruit, with plenty of mouth-watering citrus and a pleasantly bitter finish. Nice beer.

Graham Norton’s Own Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Marlborough, New Zealand
Ever wondered what wine Graham Norton is sipping on his TV chat show? Apparently he always drinks his favourite tipple, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, made by New Zealand wine producer Invivo.. Last year, for charity, he released the wine under his own name and label, having trodden on a small basket of grapes brought over specially over from Marlborough. This year, he has gone one step further, and assisted in creating the blend, using samples brought over by winemaker Rob Cameron. See Youtube for the videos. It is not quite a Take it Home wine yet, as it won't be available until 6th November, when SuperValu and Centra stores throughout the land will be selling it for €12. It is classic Marlborough Savvie, aromatic and full of lime zest and rounded green fruits. All of Graham's proceeds will go towards the Dog Trust Charity.