A guide to what's hot and what's not
What's hot
Eurovision yeah-sayersWe like the line "from Lisadell to Latvia". We think John Waters's song can go all the way. Like Brian Kennedy said last year, em, every song is a cry for love.
Work/Balance DayMarch 1st gives us all a chance to make a few good adjustments.
Ronan O'GaraWe're counting on you, Rog, even if you do wear jewellery.
Eithne Jordan's paintingsAn excuse to visit the Irish College in Paris, until March 24th.
HGV-free DublinGreat for cyclists, pedestrians and commuters. Just don't mention the M50.
Neon BibleArcade Fire's new album out on Friday. Consolation for those who didn't get a ticket for the Olympia gigs.
What's cold
Eurovision nay-sayersIt will be summer by the time They Can't Stop the Spring is sprung. Who the hell is Dubcek? Bring on the makeovers.
Touch-screen ticket dispensersThey don't work when wet, so why put them outside train stations, then?
End of mid-term breakEaster seems too far away.
Britney ShearsOur Sinead could carry it off, but that was then and this is now.
Overheated busesWhy do people not thank the driver? Possibly because they are comatose.
Email your hot and colds to index@irish-times.ieor text them, with your name, to 086 8884161. Thanks this week to Eimear McKeithand Karen Noble.