Covid-19: Will you travel abroad for a holiday this year?

Confusion and mixed messaging on overseas trips – we would like to hear your views

Passengers at Dublin Airport this week. Photograph: Colin Keegan/ Collins Dublin

There is growing debate and confusion on whether people should travel abroad for their holidays this year. While the Government will strengthen its warnings about travelling abroad but is unlikely to tell airlines to cancel flights or ban foreign travel, despite warnings from senior public health officials about the dangers of holidaymakers coming here or returning from trips abroad.

The Irish Times would like to hear from readers on their views. Will you travel this year? Do you feel safe? Do you think others should travel? What do you think about the Government’s messaging? If you are travelling, where are you planning to go to? If you are not travelling, what made you decide against it? Do you face losing money if you don’t travel? Are you worried people travelling abroad on holidays may increase the number of coronavirus cases in Ireland?

You can share your experiences using this form. Please attach a photograph if you have one to share.

A selection of responses may be published in The Irish Times.


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