Live like a local: Le Marche, Italy

Enjoy stunning mountain views or explore elegant medieval towns on the Adriatic coast

Eat on the terrace at the art nouveau Caffé Meletti in the Piazza del Popolo

Saturday morning Have coffee and a pastry under the loggia at Gran Caffé Belli in medieval Amandola. Then visit San Ginesio for 360-degree views of the countryside.

Saturday afternoon Enjoy a stunning mountain view over lunch at organic Agriturismo La Conca in Ceresola, followed by wine tasting at the Murola vineyard near Tolentino, then visit the frescoes in the Basilica de San Nicola.

Saturday evening Dine on steak grilled on the open fire at Dei Priori in pretty Monte San Martino, perched high on a hill. The pasta is easily the best in the Marche region.

Sunday morning Visit the elegant Ascoli Piceno for its antiques market. Lunch on the terrace at the art nouveau Caffé Meletti in the Piazza del Popolo . Walk it off on the promenade at San Benedetto del Tronto.


Sunday evening Dine out at 1,000 metres at Le Logge in Smerillo – as it darkens, the lights in the lower hilltop towns dot the landscape like the beads of a luminescent necklace.

Fiona Biggs, from Dublin, moved to Italy 11 years ago. See a slideshow of the region on her holiday rental site

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