My Holidays

ORLA KIELY describes her holidays

Go with the floe: Orla Kiely with her sons, Hamish and Robert, in Iceland last year

ORLA KIELYdescribes her holidays

What's your earliest holiday memory?A camping holiday in Normandy and Brittany, in France, when I was about six or seven. We got a boat from Rosslare to Le Havre. It was a 1970s family holiday – so we were camping and the car broke down. It was funny when my brother caught lizards and the tail detached in his hands, and we tried to bring glow-worms home in the car.

What was your worst holiday?Five or six years ago we went to Italy during the summer with my two sons, who were young then. We spent five days in Rome, and it was just too hot for them. We were all feeling weak from the heat. Rome in August is a bad idea.

What was your best holiday?Two years ago we went to Iceland. All of us loved it. We were driving around from extremes of glaciers and volcanoes and geysers to hot springs to swim in. We did loads of walking and saw puffins. The weather was like an Irish dry summer, not cold and not hot. It was just beautiful. We all want to go back in the winter next time, to see the Northern Lights.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?I don't really like flying, so if I could get somewhere without flying I'd love to go to New Zealand. It must be the most beautiful place, with stunning nature. When you live in the city that's what you crave.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?Nigel Slater, the food writer, because you'd eat very well, and he seems quite chilled.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?I was very lucky to have spent two New Year's on Lambay Island. My husband's best friend was a great friend of Lord Revelstoke, who owned the island; he has since died. We stayed in his house, which was designed by Edwin Lutyens. We walked and watched the sea. I miss the sea being in London, as I grew up just two minutes from the beach. I often look in nostalgia as I fly in over Dublin, as I'll never get to go to Lambay again. It was one of those very special things.

Your recommended holiday reading?Our print was used on the cover of Virago's Excellent Women, by Barbara Pym, which is an enjoyable book.

Where will you go to next?My children are getting bigger and they will get less keen to come with us on holidays. So I would love to bring them to the west coast of America next summer. It would be amazing to drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles and visit friends there along the way.

Orla Kiely is a designer

In conversation with Genevieve Carbery