My Holidays

Aidan Power, broadcaster

Aidan Power, broadcaster

What was your best holiday?

I went to Sicily two years ago and I loved it. I stayed in two places. The first was a rented house outside Marsala on the west coast. It was completely off the tourist track, everyone was Italian, nobody spoke English and there were no menus in English. Even on the beach it was just beautiful Italians, I was the only pasty Irishman! For the second week I went to the very popular and beautiful old town of Taormina. It’s up on a hill with lots of Greek and Roman ruins. I also went to the top of Mount Etna to watch the spectacular sunset.

What was your worst holiday?


On a childhood holiday at a Haven Holiday Park in Wales I managed to knock out my brother while we were playing crazy golf. He was taken to hospital and was in a bad way for the rest of the time.

If budget or work were no restriction what would be your dream holiday?

I’d love to go into space. There’s been talk for years of Virgin Galactic with Bill Cullen wanting to be the first Irishman in space. I managed to overcome my fear of flying so I think I could overcome the fear of a space mission. In my head I like to think that I could be the astronaut I’ve always dreamed of!

Who would you bring on holiday with you if you had your pick? I’d love to go on a family holiday with my brother and parents. It’s years since we did it. As a teenager I never wanted to go, so it would be nice go on a break all together again.

What’s your favourite place in Ireland?

I love to get to west Cork once a year for the scenery, the pints, the fresh Atlantic air and a recharge of my batteries.

Your recommended holiday reading?

I am fascinated by boxing and there are a few collections of boxing fight reports from over the years by some good writers such as the late George Kimball. They are really steeped in history and make you feel like you are there.

Where will you go to next?

I’d love to go to Istanbul early in the summer for a break. It sounds like there is a mix of somewhere nice to chill out and a lot to do on your doorstep. The clash of cultures and religions intrigues me.

Broadcaster Aidan Power is co-host of 98FM’s Morning Crew with Claire Solan weekdays from 6am-10am.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY