Travel advice on... disharmonious holidays

Try to choose places that can offer a holiday experience that both of you will enjoy

Holidays can be a test of a relationship, especially in the early days. T

Last week, news reports told the story of a British woman who was rescued while trying to swim after a cruise ship that had left port. She and her husband had had a fight, she decided to leave the ship and go on alone, however by the time she had a change of heart the ship had left. Fortunately her handbag kept her afloat off the coast of Madeira and she was rescued.

Taking holidays together can be a strain on relationships particularly if one person has had to compromise on the destination or type of holiday. Opposites attract and opposites do not necessarily like the same things on holidays. Romantic holidays need a lot of thought to get it right.

Try to choose places that can offer a holiday experience that both of you will enjoy. Action Man assuming his partner will love hiking and climbing on holidays can be making a big mistake. Ms Culture thinking that everyone loves to see every piece of art in the Louvre is also making a mistake.

Weather can also be a factor in spoiling the most anticipated holidays. Not everyone can endure excessive heat and no air conditioning. There is nothing like lack of sleep to turn even the most romantic and loving couples into snarling dogs. Cold weather has challenges too, but at least you can cuddle up to keep warm.


Going to a destination that has memories from a previous relationship for either of you should always be avoided. There is nothing worse than listening to “that’s where we had a romantic dinner/skinny dipped”. You might think it is a great idea to go somewhere you know, however what might be familiar to you will be inflammatory to your lover. Flirting with anybody other than your partner is also a holiday no no.

Holidays can be a test of a relationship, especially in the early days. The two big Cs of any holiday are compromise and consideration, with those in mind, every holiday can be memorable. ]