What’s hot and what’s not this week?

Percy Pigs and Aengus MacGrianna both have a spot in our hot list

Percy Pig, the chewy sweet synonyous with a trip to M&S, is celebrating its 20th birthday

What’s Hot

Dublin Fringe
Louise Bruton, Lords of Strut, Alison Spittle, and loads more

Samhain Festival
Annie Mac in an airplane hangar in Dublin? Yes please

Percy Pigs
The chewy sweet synonyous with a trip to M&S is celebrating its 25th birthday

Rosé cremant
Combine summer fizz and rosé at the same time. Winner


Samsung Galaxy 8
Perhaps the best smartphone on the market

Student accommodation
Seeing swanky student pads come on the market makes us jealous

Blind Date Ireland
With Al Porter and Tara Flynn. Bring it on

Aengus MacGrianna
His viral "what?" moment is now in a US eBay ad. What?

What’s Not

Ryanair's seat selection process
Still giving us air rage

Shia LaBeouf
Making a fool of himself since Transformers

The McGregor-Mayweather PR tour
There's entertainment, and then there's just plain ugliness

Instagram fakers
Photoshop can be pointed out, but delusion and narcissism are harder to treat

Fake shopping sites
Beware the unofficial hawkers of clothing

Holiday reading aspirations
Travel with four books, bring three home unread