You are what you eat

DIET: Sausage rolls, Vegemite and Irish stew - Melanie Morris learns all about Rachel Hunter's diet.

DIET: Sausage rolls, Vegemite and Irish stew - Melanie Morris learns all about Rachel Hunter's diet.

Do you ever eat? "Yes I do! But I graze through the week, eating about six snacks a day - it might just be an apple, but I think it's important to keep energy levels up. Then I have my Feckit Sundays when I just eat whatever I want. But to be honest, sometimes just a taste is enough. Life is too short to be on a permanent diet, and it's not fair on our bodies. I'm 34 now, and a mother of two, so I know I have to be aware of what I eat - we really are a product of what goes into our system."

Did you grow up eating healthily? "I was born into quite a poor family in New Zealand, but my mother always ensured there was plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables around, and we never ate processed food, so I was lucky."

Can you cook? "I really enjoy cooking, and I do a mean Irish stew. It's one of my favourite things."


Are you a sweet or savoury girl? "Savoury. Sausage rolls"

Where is the best cuisine found? "I think it's a bit like music. When in Rome ... I like a colourful plate - with all the food groups on it, even if I don't eat them all - and I think that's something that native New Zealand food is good for, lots of variety of vegetables, fruit and fish. When I go to barbecues in LA everything is just so grey - mountains of meat, beans and potatoes. The salad is always some forgotten thing in the corner."

What did you have for breakfast this morning? "Weetabix and tea - both with whole milk, although I'm supposed to be lactose intolerant."

Do you go on a particular diet before big modelling jobs? "I tend to book my work in solid two to three week batches and prepare for it as best I can. I don't do anything in particular, but I cut down on my portion sizes during the week beforehand."

Is there anything you won't let your kids eat? "I introduced meat gradually. When they were toddlers, if we were having a roast, I'd give them the bone to gnaw on, which gave them a taste for new food. I don't really mind if they eat rubbish every so often, but I make sure there's a big bowl of fruit on hand, and luckily, they like it."

How do you stay in shape with all the travelling you do? "I tend to lose my appetite when I'm travelling. I'm not one for hanging out late in bars. I'll go to my hotel room, order something from room service and take it easy in front of the TV."

What is your favourite thing to order from room service? "A salad - lots of leaves, tomato, avocado and French dressing."

Which airline has the best food? "Virgin. You can eat what you want whenever you want."

Is there any food, or any supplement that you take for your health? "I'm starting to take multivitamins, and I'm always aware of getting enough fish oil for its antioxidant qualities. I do my best with water consumption, but I'm not brilliant at it. Someone told me I should try aloe vera juice, but I haven't got around to it yet. It's meant to be disgusting."

Are there any foods you hanker after? "I will go anywhere to track down Heinz baked beans and Vegemite."

What your death row last meal be? "I'd start with pork crackling. Then I'd like a whole sturgeon, so I could eat its caviar. But I'd want it with a mother-of-pearl spoon so as not to break the eggs. I'd also like them to lace it with cyanide so that I wouldn't have to wait for the chair. Then I'd like a massive zabaglione full of alcohol."

And finally Rachel, if you are what you eat, then you are ... "A vegetable patch, but hopefully one without bugs."