1,100 affordable homes planned for Dublin

Over 1,100 affordable homes are to be provided in Dublin under plans announced yesterday by the State-sponsored Affordable Homes…

Over 1,100 affordable homes are to be provided in Dublin under plans announced yesterday by the State-sponsored Affordable Homes Partnership. The proposed housing developments are earmarked for the Lucan area and for Killiney.

Chairman of the partnership Des Geraghty, former MEP and Siptu president, said that the essence of the proposal was that the benefit of the increase in land value was shared between the local community and the landowners.

"We are recommending these two sites as they are an excellent opportunity to deliver affordable homes in Dublin to benefit first-time buyers. We hope that they will be considered favourably by the local authorities."

Estimated prices for affordable homes in the Lucan development vary from €260,000 for a two-bedroom house or apartment to €315,000 for a three-bedroom property. The market value for a two-bedroom property is €380,000 and €500,000 for a three-bedroom property. The estimated price for a two-bedroom apartment in the Killiney scheme is €300,000, compared with the market price of €550,000 - €600,000.


The partnership's chief executive, John O'Connor, said that those prices could be reduced when the schemes came to fruition.

The proposal for the South Dublin local authority area, made by property developer Ballymore, is to develop 115 acres of land at St Edmundsbury and Woodville adjoining the Liffey Valley and the Lucan road for a mix of affordable and open-market homes. This includes 16 acres of open space.

The residential proposals are for 1,000 affordable homes, 100 sheltered homes for the elderly, and 500 homes to be sold at market value.

Provision has also been made for a three-acre site for a new school, a neighbourhood centre with creche and community facilities and a local centre. Ballymore is also donating 184 acres in Liffey Valley for recreational and amenity purposes. The proposal for the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area, made by Ellen Construction, is to develop 3.5 acres of land at Kilmarnock, Military Road, Killiney. About 140 apartments could be developed on the site, with 70 per cent in the affordable category.

Kilmarnock House, located on the site, is a protected structure and will be retained.

The affordable housing scheme is aimed at first-time buyers earning less than about €55,000 annually as a single person, or a combined salary less than €75,000 for couples.

Purchasers can live in the house for as long as they want, but they have to pay back a percentage of the sale price to the local authority if they sell it within 20 years.

The initiative was launched in 2005 and invited proposals for the development of lands with a requirement that 70 per cent of the homes would be affordable.

Local Labour representatives Senator Joanna Tuffy and Cllr Eamon Tuffy have organised a public meeting in the Spa Hotel next Friday to discuss the proposed Lucan development.

r Forty-three new accommodation units for older people, as well as a communal building, are to be provided in Ballymun, Dublin, under a scheme launched by Minister of State for Housing and Urban Renewal Noel Ahern yesterday.

Mr Ahern performed the site-opening ceremony for the voluntary project, undertaken by Cluid Housing Association Ltd at Sillogue Road.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times