10-point plan:what was agreed

According to the NRA, it agreed the following with protester Lisa Feeney last Saturday.

According to the NRA, it agreed the following with protester Lisa Feeney last Saturday.

• Crib walling to be constructed using preserved timber.

• Works to be supervised by an archaeologist and engineer.

• Landscaping: all exposed areas on Esker to be planted with semi-mature trees.


• Crib wall to be planted with semi-mature vegetation.

• Road alignment to be gauged to move as far south as possible.

• Spoil heap south east of Rath Lugh to be removed or planted with suitable vegetation.

• No additional lands to be purchased in the vicinity of Rath Lugh for road construction.

• A reduction in land available to contractor by up to 7m and a further reduction subject to realignment review.

• Low-noise surfacing to be used between Roestown and Ardsallagh (Skryne-Tara Valley).

• No work to take place on a marked-out space between Baronstown side of the site and Lismullin until April 17th.