1916 parade to include 'Starry Plough' flag

The military parade in Dublin on Easter Sunday to commemorate the 1916 Easter Rising will include people in period dress carrying…

The military parade in Dublin on Easter Sunday to commemorate the 1916 Easter Rising will include people in period dress carrying the "Starry Plough" flag of the Irish Citizen Army and the flags of every country where Army personnel are serving, the chief of staff of the Defence Forces has said.

In an interview on RTÉ radio's This Week programme yesterday, Lieut Gen Jim Sreenan said he was "not aware" of any planned speeches to accompany the commemoration. There would however be a reading of the Proclamation at the GPO at noon, followed by the laying of a wreath by the President, he said.

"It's a very significant parade. First of all of course we're saying we're commemorating those who have gone before us, and we're saying thanks to the people who made it possible for us to march down O'Connell Street today."

Any defence force operating in a democracy had to have the support of the people for it to be successful, Lieut Gen Sreenan added. This was something which he was confident was true in Ireland.


"This is an occasion for us to say thank you. To render ceremonial in the military way, and say thank you to the people of Ireland for the wonderful support they have given us, particularly in our peacekeeping role down the years."

Asked what he thought of the concerns raised in some quarters about the decision to hold a military commemoration, he stressed the peacekeeping role of the Defence Forces.

"I think there are very few people who could quibble about our contribution to the cause of world peace," he said. "From my perspective, the theme is picking up on the proclamation and question of religious and civil liberty and equal rights."

Former soldiers will also be participating in the parade, which will be led by the trooping of the national colours and will include a fly-past by the Air Corps.

A small ceremony will be held in Kilmainham Gaol earlier in the day, he added.