€1m fund allocated to support Travellers groups and projects

A special fund in the region of €1 million has been allocated to benefit the Traveller community, Minister of State for Justice…

A special fund in the region of €1 million has been allocated to benefit the Traveller community, Minister of State for Justice Frank Fahey announced yesterday.

The Minister said: "The fund will help the work of new inter-agency groups which have been established under the aegis of each city and county development board following the publication of the report of the high level group on Traveller issues in June 2006."

The report, Mr Fahey added, emphasised the importance of inter-agency co-operation and meaningful consultation with local Travellers as key elements in improving the effectiveness of initiatives to support the Traveller community.

Mr Fahey said he wanted to emphasise the need for State agencies to develop responses to the situation of individual Traveller families and also give particular support to individuals and organisations in their dealings with public authorities.


"I believe the inter-agency groups are well placed to engage in positive consultation with local Travellers and to promote initiatives which respond to the practical needs in each area.

"Half the Traveller population is aged 18 or under and it is vitally important to tackle the social exclusion they face in a co-ordinated manner."

The fund will be managed by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and will support projects which are proposed by the inter-agency groups in each city and county area.

Pobal manages a range of programmes on behalf of the EU and the Government to promote social inclusion, reconciliation and equality through integrated social and economic development within communities.