2,000 more prison spaces promised, and drugs units

FIANNA Fail is committed to a virtual doubling of the number of prison spaces in the State, if it is returned to government.

FIANNA Fail is committed to a virtual doubling of the number of prison spaces in the State, if it is returned to government.

The party's manifesto promises to add 2,000 prison spaces to the present 2,450. Half the new spaces are to be built within two years, including a new rem and prison at Wheat field in Dublin and separate "drugs treatment detention units".

"For the drug addict, the choice will be clear: treatment or prison," the manifesto says.

Like the Progressive Democrats, the party says it will consider private sector financing of prison building projects. It does not explain how the target figure of over 4,000 prison spaces was calculated; the Minister for Justice, Mrs Owen, has said her target of 3,000 will suffice.


However, the Fianna Fail manifesto says prisoners "are now being released early because of the lack of cell space" and that this "tells the public that the system is not working and cannot guarantee them fundamental security".

The manifesto reaffirms the party's commitment to "zero tolerance", which "means implementing the law of the land as it stands". The Garda is also promised much greater operational control" but will be required to meet "agreed objectives such as targeted annual reductions in crime and increases in detection rates". The number of gardai is to be increased by 1,200 to 12,000.

The party has also promised to speed up the courts process, with a programme including statutory plea bargaining. Increased investment in drug prevention, including more inpatient detoxification facilities, are pledged.