€2.2m to address gender equality

The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, today announced the allocation of almost €2

The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, today announced the allocation of almost €2.2 million in grant assistance to eighteen projects which will address equality for women.

Of this amount, more than €1.95 million will support projects in CLAR areas - areas of rural regeneration - and about €250,000 will go to projects with an educational focus. The projects are part-funded by the European Social Fund.

Announcing the details, the Tánaiste said: "This final allocation under the Equality for Women Measure of the National Development Plan 2000-2006 complements grant assistance totalling over €7 million in 2005 for 58 projects for initiatives to foster gender equality in RAPID areas which are targeted for urban regeneration.

"Women in all areas of Ireland have now had an opportunity to benefit from this measure while some resources have been focused specifically on organisations working to enhance equality for women living in particularly disadvantaged areas," he added.