24 new images of abuse published

IRAQ: Another disk with 24 photographs depicting "apparent abusive acts by US forces" has surfaced in the investigation of mistreatment…

IRAQ: Another disk with 24 photographs depicting "apparent abusive acts by US forces" has surfaced in the investigation of mistreatment of Iraqi detainees at a US-run prison near Baghdad, the Pentagon said.

Thirteen of the photographs appeared to be images which have already been published in the international media, but 11 have not been identified in previous investigations, according to a Pentagon letter sent to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"They may not be original or true photographs," Mr Powell Moore, the Assistant Defence Secretary for legislative affairs, wrote to the committee.

He said they were given to the criminal investigation command in Baghdad "under circumstances that warranted investigation, including forensic computer evaluation."


Two photos not previously seen in the media of US soldiers posing with the body of a detainee at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison were shown on US television. ABC News reported they were taken by Sgt Charles Frederick. Sgt Frederick and Specialists Sabrina Harmon and Charles Graner are among six US military police facing charges over the abuse of detainees. A seventh soldier, Jeremy Sivits, was sent to jail and dismissed from the army on Wednesday.