25 new pharma jobs in Co Galway

Pharmaceutical firm Bioniche Pharma is to create 25 new jobs in research and development over the next three years in the Gaeltacht…

Pharmaceutical firm Bioniche Pharma is to create 25 new jobs in research and development over the next three years in the Gaeltacht.

The company, which currently employs 160 people at its facility in Indreabhán, recently moved into a new €2.5 million manufacturing site that was developed by Údarás na Gaeltachta.

Bioniche Pharma has sales in over 50 countries worldwide and is majority owned by RoundTable Healthcare Partners, a US based private equity firm that focuses exclusively on the healthcare industry.

“This expansion and investment in R&D underscores our continued commitment to building our product pipeline and is a big step towards securing the future growth of our business and employment in the Galway area,” said Damien Kelly, chairman of Bioniche Pharma.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist