25% of NI women will die from heart disease

A quarter of all women in Northern Ireland will die from heart disease, experts warned today.

A quarter of all women in Northern Ireland will die from heart disease, experts warned today.

This is greater than all cancers combined. As a result a massive new campaign has been launched in a bid to end ignorance to the dangers.

The Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association insisted too many still regard heart attacks as a male illness.

Ms Myrtle Neill, the charity's director of health, said: "Women are ignoring a disease that will claim the lives of one in four of us."


The alarming levels outlined by the association - in deprived areas of the province it claimed a third of all females could die - has provoked a major attempt to curb the threat.

Health advice packs are to be sent to 300 women every week in one of the biggest health initiatives undertaken in Northern Ireland.

A specially trained nurse will also be provided to offer advice and carry out testing for risk factors.