The election of the new Labour leader will be unique in that it will be the first time in the history of the State that all members of a political party will have a vote in deciding its leader.
The procedures for the election were laid down by the party membership in 1987, but have never been put into action before.
An estimated 3,500 members who are fully paid up and in good standing with the party for a minimum of two years will be eligible to vote.
Nominations for both the post of leader and deputy leader of the party will open on September 4th and close on September 18th.
Ballot papers will be sent to members by post not later than October 4th, and the poll will close at noon on October 25th.
Nominations for both positions must be in writing and be signed by a member of the Dáil. A member of the Dáil may nominate himself or herself, or may be nominated by another member.
A member can be nominated for both the positions of leader and deputy leader.
The returning officer for the elections will be the party general secretary, Mr Mike Allen.
The method of election will be a single transferable vote, and the votes will be counted similarly to procedures at a presidential election.