€4.3m in welfare to be paid to 700 blind people

The Government is to pay some 700 blind people who were underpaid in welfare allowances after the issue was highlighted by the…

The Government is to pay some 700 blind people who were underpaid in welfare allowances after the issue was highlighted by the Ombudsman.

The Minister for Health, Ms Harney, has given additional money to health boards to pay arrears estimated at €4.3 million.

The back payments, which amount to just over €6,000 per individual, are owed because of a miscalculation of a blind welfare allowance circular by the Department of Health and Children.

The Fine Gael TD, Mr Michael Ring, said it was shameful for a Government that talks "of how much money there is in the State, yet we cannot find €4.3 million for 700 blind people".


In January 2002 it was decided to amend health board procedures and commence paying the allowance in line with the methodology outlined by the Ombudsman.

But the arrears were not paid in some cases because of the cost implications of the amended methodology of paying blind welfare allowance, estimated to be in the region of almost €800,000 per year, plus arrears.

A Department spokeswoman said letters were issued to the chief executives of all health boards this month, granting them additional money, as a once-off payment.

This money would be sufficient to take care of outstanding arrears, she said.

The allowance is to provide supplementary financial support to unemployed blind people receiving disability allowance, a blind pension or an old age pension.

The Ombudsman found that a Dublin health board, among others, was applying the rules relating to the scheme's means test incorrectly.