5 jailed for selling unfit poultry

London - Five men found guilty of conspiring to sell for human consumption condemned poultry meat fit only for pet food were …

London - Five men found guilty of conspiring to sell for human consumption condemned poultry meat fit only for pet food were yesterday given sentences ranging from three years to eight years, writes Rachel Donnelly.

Sentencing the men at Hull Crown Court, Judge Peter Heppel described the scale and type of the multi-million pound fraud as "unprecedented" in Britain.

Andrew Boid (33) and Darren Bibby (29) of Nottinghamshire and Peter Tantram (47) of Lincolnshire were found guilty of conspiring to sell the meat on Thursday. Arnold Smith (63) of Sheffield and John McGinty (48) of South Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to the same charge prior to the trial. The judge sentenced Boid to seven years, Bibby to three years and Tantram received a six-year sentence for his part in the fraud.